Should I stay or should I go?

Marcos Peebles
2 min readMar 22, 2018

I certainly do not want to clash (pun intended) with you, the digital industry I work for… and in. But honestly, what can you bring to me, beyond what I can share or have given to you?

Probably a lot. Probably more then I know about.

Then again, why are you making me feel I am not worthy of being in your industry? Why am I, after all these years of sweat and tears, still feeling I do not belong? Did you, yet again, come up with the latest buzzword I do not know about? Have you invented yet another acronym that, let us be fair, will pass as [insert your favourite quote about spring here]? Are you inventing other battles about business, tendencies, frameworks, human behaviours and motivations or code libraries I never heard about...

What is your goal? To make me feel stupid? Are you chasing me? I was there long before you, young padawan. Yet, you insist in making me share, learn, read and be humble. I hate you for that*. I was comfortably preaching to the world from my sofa and my remote control (now quite almost outdated, thank you Alexa and Siri).

So, am I too daft to understand that latest trend, be it human, tech, design or business, that will inevitably change the world in the coming months, years, decades?

Probably not. Probably less then I fear about. So I shall stay, probably for the better*, and I’ll make it double.

*Or not, you make me think. And we all know don’t make me think is better.



Marcos Peebles

Web since 90's, Design Systems ❤, Design, Code & Rants